How many of these are pain points to your organization?

  • For how long have you relied on poor and non-relational information on your Company’s substance? And how complex is reaching the right information on your organisation and processes? What is the cost for gathering data that have integrity?
  • How hard is it to gather information on risks & controls? What does the assessment look like? Is it an assessment on actual risks and controls? How far is your company from using trusted information for the risk committees and regulatory reports?
  • How much money wasting and time consuming is standard operational procedures writing?
  • How many of the standard operational procedures are outdated or incomplete?
  • How much is the cost of uncontrolled processing as well as non-quality? How costly and efficient is the effort for monitoring controls and driving process improvement?
  • How much would you be interested in getting marginal costs of production?
  • How accurately do you manage capacity? How much is the cost of non-added value actions?
  • How complex is selecting projects? How much does it overstretch your budgets? Are you confident that project planning is well done in your Company? 
  • How much does it impact your competitiveness? How many man days does it take to report on projects?
  • Are you confident that project planning is well done in your Company? How much does it impact your competitiveness? How many man days does it take to report on projects?
  • How do you identify the processes a regulation update impacts?
  • How many regulatory concerns do you have to deal with?
  • What are the levers you can use to meet your client expectations?
  • How far from the edge of disruption is your Company? Could you score it?


e-Beyonder is designed and built to cure these pain points and transform management!